Getting Started -- Adding Resources

ScheduFlow can be used to manage one or many resources.  Resources can be people, places or things (e.g. doctors, rooms, or trucks).
When you install ScheduFlow, you can immediately begin setting up appointments without adding any resources.  If you choose to do so, your appointments will be assigned to the resource name 'ANY'.
In order to create schedules for multiple resources (e.g. Dr. Johnson, Dr. Cohen, etc.), you will need to create resource records by clicking on the Administrator tab and logging in with your administrator password. 
Once you have logged in successfully, click on the 'Add Resource' button.  A resource form will open asking you to enter the information about a resource.  Only the 'Display Name' is required.
When you are done entering the resource information, click Save, close the form, and you should see the newly created resource(s) show in the 'Resources' navigation pane on the right side of the main calendar.  Click on the check box preceding the resource name and your calendar will be split into different color-coded sections for each resource.
You are now ready to begin setting up appointments for each resource.  Begin typing your appointment subject on any calendar area for a desired resource.