This error occurs as a precaution in our system when you are trying to add an entry that is overlapping with an existing timesheet entry. We do acknowledge that it is sometimes difficult to locate the overlapping entry -- and we will most likely be adding a helper feature to help you locate the overlapping entry in a future version -- but our software is very well tested and something in the system for that employee is blocking the new entry from being added.
In order to locate the 'overlapping entry', do the following:
1. In the Manage Timesheets form, set the 'Timesheet End' date to a future date (E.g. April 1, 2020) on the top menu
2. Click on 'Apply Filters' button on the top menu
3. Locate the overlapping entry by scrolling down to the date/time similar to the one you are trying to add (e.g. if you want to add an entry on March 1, 2012, scroll to the March 1, 2012 exiting entries and locate the overlapping row).
If the above still does not work:
If you still do not see any overlapping entries in the 'Work' section, check if you have any vacation, sick, or holiday days off for that particular employee. This may happen if for any reason you are using the off days (vacation, sick leave, or holiday).
This may occur by an existing entry that has been entered by an administrator. This can happen if 'Work' was not chosen when an entry was edited. This may occur if an employee requests an off day that the administrator is not aware of.
If the above still does not work:
Please remember the product has been proven by our QA teams and our customer base for many years. Please also note that although this protection feature may be a nuisance to some of our users it protects data integrity and eliminates payroll errors. Submit a trouble ticket with your account name, company name, and specific error message if you could not resolve the issue based on the information above.
Article ID: 42, Created: May 29, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Modified: May 29, 2017 at 5:19 PM